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Wednesday, October 1, 2008


1) When you enter or leave Church, do you genuflect (a) to the person you are standing next to (b) to the pew you are entering or leaving (c) to the Holy Water font (d) to our Eucharistic Lord in the Tabernacle?
2) When you genuflect, what are you looking at (a) the nearest exit (b) the person you are talking to (c) the car keys in your hand (d) The Tabernacle where The King of the Universe dwells?
3) When you genuflect does you knee (a) remain straight (b) flex about 1" (c) point away from the tabernacle (d) point towards the Tabernacle and touch the floor for at least 1 second?
4) If you do not genuflect towards the Blessed Sacrament, what is the reason (a) you don't want to "hold up the line" (b) you don't want to dirty your slacks or skirt (c) you want to reach the pew or exit before everyone else (d) you are physically unable to (but you bow your head reverently - if possible)?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pass :)

But, I wonder how many people in my parish would, based SOLELY on what I have observed. I know not their hearts or minds so I can't judge but . . .

I know a Missionary Priest who now bows deeply and reverently to the Tabernacle as a personal act of humility. His story: He was teaching a tribe how to genuflect and it was such a foreign gesture that it became frustratingly painful to watch them as they kept awkwardly trying and falling down. So, with appropriate permissions, I assume, he taught them to bow reverently instead. Substance over style. And, they learned the reverence due the Lord. :)